
The 2023/24 school year is coming to a closer and the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club has continued its long trading of recognizing students on the upswing of achievement within the Alamogordo Public Schools via their long term commitment of collaboration and partnership.
The Most Improved Students for the Year - 2024 for is awarded in partnership with Papa John’s Pizza, The Bluestone, Caliche’s and KHII / KTMN Radio, collaborating for the best in public education.
At the end of each school year, the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club recognizes the Most Improved Student of the Year.
This award is chosen by each of the school faculty per grade level. The criteria for each school selection is based on attitude, behavior, work ethic, character, school involvement, and academic grades.
Each month from September – April the teaching staff in grades 6-7-8 select a most improved student for that month as has been featured in our columns, podcasts and newscasts.
From that list of eight students, the faculty then selects a Most Improved Student of the Year.
The following students were honored for 2023 -2024 school year…
Holloman Middle School: 6th grade; Penelope Bastia, 7th grade; Khalee Kennedy, 8th grade; Noa Hunter.
Chaparral Middle School: 6th grade; Kaiden Steinhauer, 7th Grade; Elijah Sanchez, 8th grade; Julian Mooney.
Mountain View Middle School: 6th grade; Trinity Gutierrez, 7th grade; Mariah Monreal, 8th grade; Sa’dora Coles.
Congratulations to each student awarded!