Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce Rebrands and Sets Vision for 2024 and Beyond


The Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce is on a mission to rebrand itself and make itself even more responsive to the community of small business owners it is chartered with representing.

Step back to June 30th of 2021, the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce officially changed its name to the Alamogordo Center for Commerce though many locals still referred to it as "the chamber." The decision to change the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce's name was made April 21, 2021, when the Chamber's Board of Directors voted on the name change. At the time via a statement to Alamogordo News a representative stated, "Very often, there has been a misconception that the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce was affiliated in some way with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In this name change, we wish to remove any doubt that the two organizations have any common goals, ideologies, or visions for the future of small business in this Nation."

The Center of Commerce has since gone through significant changes. The legendary G.B. Oliver had been a motivational leader for small business. He was well known in Santa Fe and had relationships with many of the governors from Richardson to the present governor. His presence in the halls of power was recognized as a powerbroker in seeking funding for the bypass and other major projects that have impacted the city and its relationship with Holloman Air Force Base. Part of his legacy was the strength in his team such as Michelle Gill who served with him for 9 years. She served as a loyal lieutenant and a very visible face at every significant Center of Commerce event the last several years. When Mr Oliver was out sick due to a heart issue she stepped in as interim director and did a very fine job. 

A changing of the guard:

With Mr. Oliver's departure came an end of an era for the Center of Commerce but not the end of the need for business representation. A new Executive Director was hired, Jerrett Perry. perry along with the board of directors are making a move to drive the mission of the Chamber in new directions and ensure the Chamber remains relevant to Alamogordo.

Step forward to 2024, and the organization is visible in reimagining an Alamogordo community that is thriving, and itself, as an integral partner in that success.

The first visible change is the announcement that they are going back to the original name of years past and are rebranded as the "Alamogordo, Chamber of Commerce." 

Mr. Perry via the Chamber has released a video as the "state of the chamber" address in which he set forth a new vision for the chamber and its relevance to the needs of the Alamogordo Business Community.

State of the Chamber — Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce

In his address Mr. Perry outlines a strategic plan to enhance the quality of life for Alamogordo with a focus on small business plus many more initiatives. Mr. Perry emphasized that this year the Chamber "recognizes the importance of cultivating diverse perspectives to shape our collective identity." The Chamber and Main Gate have "codified the values" presented to craft a "high yield economic plan" going forward. The presentation emphasized there will be a culture of "transparency and accountability." The presentation of course also highlighted the importance of Holloman Air Force Base and mentions that an F4 will be placed within the city limits as a symbol of that partnership. 

Mr. Perry has some big shoes to fill. The updated website and the vision presented via the presentation is upbeat and speaks of the opportunities before Alamogordo. 

The next few years will define the future of Alamogordo. Our hope is the Chamber along with city government, county government and the school board do indeed listen and collaborate together, with the diversity that is Alamogordo, and in positive partnership embracing the whole of the community, to grow the economy and the quality of life that is Alamogordo and truly represent the values of #AlamogordoProud.

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