World News Has a Time Traveler Been Exposed at The National Gallery in London?


The National Gallery in London houses a portrait by Dutch painter Ferdinand Bol of an eight-year-old kid holding a cup.

The 400 year old painting has raised some questions and eyebrows of recent and the internet is running amuck with conspiracy theories. Some have suggested the boy in the painting was a time traveler and, oops forgot to change his shoes prior to posing for the painting. Another theory is there is a glitch in the matrix, a rift in the continuum? Another theory is the artist was much like Nostradamus, and the painting depicted a brand that would have a huge impact on the world.

The baffling discovery was made while the painting was on loan to London's National Gallery, and it's causing some to wonder and has become fodder for the internet conspiracy world. He's elegantly dressed in the fashions of his day, with a grey suit and matching cloak, but the shoes look like Nike! 

One benefit of having one of the most widely known logos of modern times is people see it everywhere. Even in 17th-century paintings. A large portion of the internet is currently convinced that the young gentleman in this painting by the Dutch master Ferdinand Bol is wearing a pair of Nike shoes.

Bol is considered one of Rembrandt’s most talented apprentices. This painting, which is in a private collection, was initially thought to depict his own son but is now believed to show Frederick Sluysken, the son of a wealthy Dutch wine merchant. Look closely at his feet, and there does seem to be something of a likeness to the Nike tick on the black shoes.

The 400 year old painting is trending worldwide with a newfound interest in the painting, and now the artist. Apparently, it was a mother and daughter who noticed the detail when the painting was on loan to London's National Gallery. The gallery took up their comment and asked people on Twitter if they could spot the "modern detail?”

What are some glitches or anomalies in space-time or reality that make you question everything? Share your thoughts in the comments of this article. We’d love to hear your opinions! 

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