
The first hour of tonight’s Alamogordo City Commission meeting was of significant joy as new commissioners were sworn in, awards were bestowed to the code enforcement department and several new police officers was sworn and with promotions given to others.
The meeting began with the devotion and the pledge of allegiance. Then the business began. Judge Overstreet was on hand to administer the swearing in to the three newly elected or re-elected members of the city commission. City Commission District 3, Warren L Robinson, City Commissioner District 5, Sharon McDonald and City Commissioner District 6, Mark Tapley and City Commissioner District 1, Nick Paul were sworn in.
Next the commissioners amongst themselves select the Mayor Pro Temproe or Vice-Mayor. The role is to fill in or act in the official capacity of the mayor in the absence of the Mayor. Sharon McDonald was unanimously elected Alamogordo Mayor pro tem.
Next on the agenda was recognition of Code Enforcement as being awarded the Jill Robinson Award of Excellence in Code Enforcement. Alamogordo was selected and awarded this national award that selects one city a year. Mrs. Robinson was a Code Enforcement Officer killed in the line of duty and the National Award was named in her honor.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Chief of Police David Kunihiro recognizing new officers to the department Ian Beatrice, Aaron Ramirez and and Sam Royibal, as well as a new animal control officer Frank Webb.
Then promotions were announced with pinnings of the new shields by families of officer Mauricio Puente to Sergeant, Officer Christoff Wallenstein to Sergeant, Sergeant Ray Brown to Lieutenant and Lieutenant Ryan Glidden to Deputy Chief.
Public comments were around a proposed pigeon abatement issue. Carol Hernandez in public comments spoke of many wonderful people and caring people and she then presented the issue of pigeon overpopulation within the city. She recommended that the city purchase pigeon food that has contraceptives in it to reduce the over population.
John Davis in public commented also on pigeons asking to append the ordinance to allow the feeding of the pigeons on religious grounds. He went on to express there has never been a documented case of disease from pigeons recorded in New Mexico and wants to save the pigeons as he would all of Gods living creatures.
The City managers report by Rick Holden was next. He mentioned he met with Mr Davis concerning the pigeons and heard his concerns. He mentioned the public works director resigned effective 15th and that street repairs are underway. He advised public works is behind and moving to correct issues.
He went on to report the nee airport manager Troy Orr was hired. The F4 aircraft project is moving forward with a project plan to the commission to formally adopt or not. Where to put the F4 etc, maintenance and cost.
He met with state senators and they have a list of projects to try to garner funding the next 30 days.
He met with attorney John Wheeler on the Sacramento Mountains Foundation about receiving funding on some new potential projects that would be needed for quality of life projects.
The 2024 budget process has begun. Line item reviews with city manager are in progress.
Significant work on the water and sewerage system rates and that the system is sustainable 8 to 10 years from now and focused on improving and restructuring the rate structure. Need a rate package that includes infrastructure maintenance and improvements and simplifying the structure verses present.
Commissioner Riodan mentioned road depression in road near Blind School, one near mid High by 12th and 13th for the city manager to address. Levelle Road need lighting or stripping.
Commissioner Burnett asked where we are on stripping. Florida Indian Wells to 16th with no stripping needs work.
Warren Robinson mentioned he and Mark Tapley were in training in Santa Fe and that the Alamogordo city staff reflected well and expressed positivity of the staff and the new city manager.
Mayor Payne mentioned her appreciation for the city police and the turn around the new chief has implemented in staffing upgrades and promotions. She mentioned her 2024 state of the city address will be at the next commission meeting. She suggested we need a bigger presence in Santa Fe.
The new city manager is positive and upbeat about the future.
The Consent agenda approved 7 to 0 with nothing removed
311 Virgina Avenue Code Enforcement declare it to be dilapidated and condemned. Owners have one year to repair or two year is boarded up and sealed. Ceiling has collapsed and truss has collapsed. An RV parked on the property in same condition. Owner has begun working on potential fixes but recommended to condemn. Condemnation passes 7 to 0.
800 Virgina Avenue Code Enforcement asking it to be declared condemned. Search warrant photos shows 30 inch drop off no walls and installation exposed. Missing roof areas. Ceiling collapsed, graffiti and windows missing, sun exposed as roofing is missing and dirt floor in one room and there is fire damage. Recommendations of condemnation. Owner has never responded. Vote to condemn 7 to 0
1110 Uranus Drive Asking it be declared condemned. Code enforcement was called after a fire was distinguished in residence. 96 code violations to include decorations and scattered trash. Significant fire damage and smoke damage along with 2 ignition points. Roof fell pile of trash burned and smoke damage throughout home and exposed wiring and trash and furniture made bedroom inaccessible. Occupants had a mattress in the kitchen. Piles of clutter and hoarding. The property had 4 occupants in the building. The owner is deceased and a decedent is non-responsive and the shed rooms etc were being rented to and arson is suspected. Vote to condemn 7 to 0.
Property owner Steven Valdez asking for RV to be allowed to remain on property for son. Special Permit Case 2023-0008A asking for a special permit to allow son to remain at Travis and Post. A lot of mixed use in the area. 17 letters mailed to surrounding property owners. 3 calls said no opposition. No opposition has been received. Staff recommending denial per ordinance. RV is not allowed but a trailer would be allowed.
Mr. Valdez spoke and said he purchased the property in 1986 and they purchased the property for their son as a way to help him. Commissioner Robinson motions for special permit approval all approved.
Mayor and city elections ordinance in March 2012 needs language cleanup. Motion to approve cleanup approved 7 to 0.
Camping in public right away ordinance proposed to make it unlawful for individuals camp on public right or ways. Robinson motions to approve Paul second’s ordinance approved 7 to 0.
Amend Park Closure Hours Ordinance adding section b no person 8 am to 4 pm workout accompaniment or a parent or guardian. Reaction to kids in park during school hours. Same rule around home school and public school hours of unsupervised. The ordinance has discretion on C to refer to courts or dismiss based upon history. Motion from Robinson to approve Nick Paul seconded vote passes 6 to 1. Commissioner Rardin opposed not understanding how someone can trespass on public lands. He seems to think public lands should be accessible anytime referencing Jan 6th.
A property owner was requesting a zone change from Manufactured Homes to build 2 duplex. No complaints of opposition. Mixed use in the neighborhood property was originally R1 was rezonned to MA in 2002. Area annexed in 1959 since then the surrounding property is a mixture of commercial, industrial, R4 etc. Staff recommends approval. Nick Paul motions to approve vote approved 7 to 0.
Appointments to commissions was tabled to a future meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made after about 3 hours of meeting time.