Controversial Deputy Superintendent Colleen Tagle Leaving Alamogordo Public Schools


Alamogordo Public Schools Deputy Superintendent Colleen Tagle has tendered a resignation to the system and will be departing the system effective February 14, 2024. Sources inside the system have confirmed that the resignation has been accepted and the system will begin a transition of responsibilities. 

Alamogordo Public Schools will be releasing an official statement at a later time. 

In the meantime a statement from Mrs Taggle said: ”I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with such a talented group of professionals at APS. I wish nothing but the best for our students, staff and new Board members.”

Superintendent Pam Renteria stated 
As Colleen noted there is no official statement, but I will say that I have greatly appreciated Colleen's commitment to our students and staff and wish her the very best in any future endeavors.

Mrs. Tagle has been employed with the Alamogordo Public Schools since July of 2016. She began her career at APS as the Chief Procurement Officer, was promoted to Director of Human Resources and then promoted again to Deputy Superintendent of Operations to include Human Resources. A complaint by her detractors is that the system consolidated to many departments and too much power into her sphere of influence. The most recent election in which 3 incumbent school board members were voted out of office was seen by many as a mandate for her removal by many in the community. Many blame her for the school rankings, low morale and employee turnover issues.

Deputy Superintendent Colleen Tagle has been a lightning rod of controversy and a target of significant attacks by a group of individuals that blame her for all the ills of the Alamogordo Public School System.

Mrs. Tagle made the headlines in 2023 along with the former Superintendent of Alamogordo schools as being named as the primary defendants or actors in a lawsuit filed by Alamogordo's Director of the Flickinger Center Lorri Black. 

According to a news article published by 2nd Life Media More details have emerged on the lawsuit filed by Lorrie Black and the Flickinger Center against the Alamogordo Public Schools and Dr Kenneth Moore. The case is seeking relief for an alleged violation of the right to exercise free speech, a violation of due process and equal protection, a violation of the access to public records act, unlawful retaliation from a public records request, defamation of the character of Lorrie Black by Dr. Moore. Details of the complaint can be found via the link below...…

Another lawsuit was filed in 2023 by Sharon Scott, D-1215-CV-2023-00679, filed 8/25/23. That suit alleges: “fiscal improprieties, mistreatment of personnel and policy/Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) violations” and “improper acts, such as “mismanagement and waste of funds.” In addition, it claims a lack of response to IPRA requests. Ms Scott was in a position with the Human Resources Department and reported to Colleen Tagle. Tagle as Coordinator of Human Resources.

And then another lawsuit was filed against the “Board of Education of Alamogordo Public School District, Alamogordo Public Schools, Dr Kenneth Moore, as Superintendent of the Alamogordo Public Schools, and Colleen Tagle, as Deputy Superintendent of Operations/Human Resources.” It is a “Complaint for Damages for Breach of Contract, Violation of Statutory and Constitutional Rights and Motion under the New Mexico Uniform Arbitration Act for Judicial Relief” brought by Mr Dale Lindley, Jr. filed 10/2/2023.

Mrs. Tagle in the past has claimed that her philosophy is that of excellence and "creating dynamic teams, building public/private partnerships to foster innovation and excellence for our fantastic students and families in gorgeous Alamogordo, New Mexico." has reached out to the Alamogordo Public Schools and for an interview with Mrs. Taggle for her perspective of her tenure with the system. A future story will recap those interviews and more details and facts as they are confirmed by reputable sources. 

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