NEA Endorsed Judy Rabon, Amanda Jewell and Carol Louise Teweleit


The National Education Association Southwest New Mexico division has made endorsements in the Alamogordo School Board elections.

According to a NEA post and release: “School Board Elections Matter because school board members make education decisions on behalf of their communities and our students, it is important for voters to research and question school board candidates, participate in school board elections, and remain engaged once members are elected.

As educators, and community leaders you are trusted community members, and when you speak out on an issue of importance, you are heard. When you educate friends and neighbors about why every election is high stakes for public education, you are doing the right thing for students and schools.

When your local association gets involved in school board elections. you are standing up for our students.”
The local chapter of the NEA collaborated with League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico, Otero Unit in hosting 2023 voter forums in Otero County for school board elections. 

The League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico, Otero Unit, held its first three election forums in late September and early October.

The first forum was held for the Tularosa mayor’s race on Sept. 30 in the cafeteria of Tularosa Middle School. In the second, on Oct. 3 at the Otero Arts Center, the League assisted the National Education Association in a forum with candidates for the Alamogordo School Board.

NEA represents hundreds of educators in Otero County and their endorsements matter to those involved in education as their endorsements speak for the rank and file members that are involved in education daily.

Alternative propaganda sites have attempted to slander the reputations of Alamogordo School Board President Judy Rabon and other members of the existing board.

Attacks on Mrs. Rabon have been most viscous with misleading information and an attempt to discredit and undermine the good efforts she has made to the educational systems of Alamogordo as a school teacher, a board member and most recently as the board president.
Since becoming board president and the appointment of acting school superintendent Pamela Renteria the system has increased openness and visibility of system expenses and awarded contracts via a website that is updated weekly on the website

Public forums and community events have increased. 

Progress on student achievement and engagement is being made.

Increases in pay for teachers has been a priority. 

The propaganda being presented by extremist make it sounds as if it is chaos amongst the ranks, that educators are not appreciated and that the system does not work.

The reality is major improvements have been made the last year. If indeed moral and a lack of support for educators existed then the NEA would not be endorsing the incumbents. The NEA speaks for the employees and educators of the schools.

Recently the NEA made its endorsements in the local elections for Alamogordo School Board. The local NEA chapter endorsed

Judy Rabon

Amanda Jewell

Carol Louise Teweleit

Additionally the NEA endorsed the mil levy 

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