KRAZY KALH Streaming Digital Radio A Nontraditional Radio Station


Behind the stage door of

Recently an uninformed conspirator questioned the business model of locally operated

Though the business model is really none of the business of an outsider who is not invested in local radio; for transparency purposes Board Chairman, Rene Sepulveda offers a peek behind the curtain and a look at the of operations and productions. flips the business model to something unique and different than the traditional Southern New Mexico radio station.

Upon acquisition of control of the board of the local, chairman of the board, Rene Sepulveda determined the existing model was not sustainable for the long term. 

The decision of the board was review industry trends, seek advice on sustainability and decided to revamp the programming to “the soundtrack of your life” replacing country with music favorites of the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Programming director, Anthony Lucero took the lead and countless hours of operations to revamp a broken system.

The decision was then made to expand the line up to include a Southern Soul component linking with Budweiser sponsored New Orleans and Alamogordo based DJ Majik 1 and tap into his National following.

DJ Majik 1 has 22.2 million minutes of streamed viewed YouTube content. His audience, of which we are now linked 4 nights a week expands our reach to a nationwide engagement well beyond the 10 mile signal output of our local traditional transmission network. This benefits is to our sponsors and our content creators with an audience well beyond Alamogordo proper. 

Streaming radio is the next evolution in radio and represents the fastest growing opportunity for small radio station operators. The Big radio switch-off is DELAYED and AM and FM stations will be available on old devices for another decade as switchover from analogue to digital is put off until 2032.

By 2032 traditional radio will be dead. The revenue forecast for streaming radio by 2030 is $9 Billion.

Streaming Radio facts are that by the end of 2023 radio's online service and streaming revenue will have more than doubled in four years, growing from $1 billion in 2019 to a forecast of $2.1 billion in 2023 and projected to be $9 Billion by 2030. That’s the outlook from the Radio Advertising Bureau. In 2022, radio’s digital sponsors clocked in at $1.8 billion for a 21.1% year-over-year increase. That means digital streaming accounted for nearly one in five radio industry sponsorship and subscription dollars.

Since the tracking of digital revenues and audience engagement began in 2013 it took six years to get to $1 billion in revenues. That milestone was achieved in 2019. Since then digital growth has accelerated, rising to $1.1 billion in 2020, before a COVID-triggered leap to $1.5 billion in 2021. Last year brought 20% growth to $1.8 billion with anticipated growth of 17% in 2023 to $2.1 billion.

Looked at another way, digital or streaming radio accounted for less than 4% of total radio industry growth and revenues in 2013. By 2019 it shot up to 10%. This year it is forecast to represent 22%.

Accordingly this growth marks the start of a new era where radio remains a solid core, but digital steaming offerings become the radio industry’s most important growth engine and by 2032 will be the standard for radio. Traditional tower broadcasting and communications is dying just as UHF broadcasts died for television with the introduction of streaming internet television.

Additionally, smart radio operators are adapting to the digital age by embracing new technologies, such as streaming and podcasting, and by exploring new distribution channels, such as smart speakers and mobile apps. These innovations have made radio more accessible and convenient for listeners, and have helped to maintain its relevance in an ever-changing media landscape. A traditional broadcast station that is focused on radio towers and traditional transmission are seeing shrinking audiences and will eventually be phased out via regulatory changes.

Stations that embrace podcasting, YouTube video and non-traditional transmission and connections is the fastest growing market segment.

Locally, community radio, KRAZY has been experimenting with expanding the streaming services offering to much success.

KRAZY continues to expand its reach via non-traditional streaming and offerings on a variety of streaming platforms.

Is this a normal traditional approach for Alamogordo? No! KRAZY radio is now a non traditional operation. The new studio is opening on New York Avenue and the programming and production is evolving with more local featured content. The standard weekly programming updates by Kitty City, Animal Village NM and Love Inc continue. New content such as the Health Minute via the Cleveland Clinic, the Ag report, the Fishing Report, Perspectives by Lilly, Inspirational Minutes by Warren Robinson are new or expanded offerings. News partnered with and the USA Network providing unique perspectives local and nationally.

Student involvement, expanded community engagement, partnerships such as the Soul Music of DJ Majik 1 offer something new and different to an expanded reach is the mission.

The new business model and mandate is to divest the traditional radio station mentality and innovate beyond the traditional norms of Alamogordo broadcasting. 

Will a signal for be transmitted to one’s old style radio? Yes, as the station transfers to its new headquarters traditional broadcasting is the last component to be restored with upgraded transmission systems to carry the station to 2032 under the antiquated transmission protocols. 

However, the priority of resources is to expand the listening audience and improve the overall offering to those that will sustain the programming and create local mentorship opportunities for a audience well beyond the reach of a 10 mile local transmitter.

KRAZY has seen a huge expansion in listeners with the changes to date, via an expanded non traditional approach to growth.

KRAZY will continue a path forward with streaming as the leading service offering, along with podcasts, YouTube audio and video, and upgrades in infrastructure to the traditional distribution of content. For locals that are loyal, and get it, we appreciate the support.

For those outside, that are critical and don’t understand evolution and transformation, it was nice the time we had together.  We wish you happy trails, for now there are other local options for content. We wish you the best,”  says board chairman, Rene Sepulveda. 

Like television with a now all but dead UHF antenna technology, radio stations that don’t adapt and evolve won’t sustain nor survive,” according to the Independent Broadcasters Association. has been extended a lifeline for sustainability under the direction of Mr Sepulveda, Mr. Lucero, Mr. Edwards, DJ Majik 1, and its 18 plus roving reporters and content contributors.

We appreciate the public support and invite you to join us as a listener or a community sponsor.

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