
Congratulations to the 2023 Alamogordo Public School Retirees. The Otero Arts facility - the historic Womens Club of Alamogordo, at 1118 Indiana, hosted an APS appreciation retirement ceremony at the beautiful multifunctional building.
The community and former students appreciate the dedication and love for the students that has been shown over the years, and wish, each of these retiring professionals well on your new adventures in retirement.
Retirees and their years of service with APS are as follows:
Thank you from the leadership of the Alamogordo Public Schools, Otero Arts Inc, and Congratulations again from the Alamogordo community.
Teacher Shortages and Mitigation:
Teacher shortages are a constant struggle in the state of New Mexico and the state
issued a plan last fall to entice retired educators to come back to the classroom. A assessment presented to legislators claimed earlier this year that the initiative working but only by a small margin.
As of the end of October 2022 only 74 retired educators were taking advantage of a return to work provision passed earlier in 2022 that made it easier for people to get back in the classroom without losing their retirement benefits, according to data presented to the Legislative Education Study Committee.
According to reporting in the Albuquerque Journal,” the so-called “Educational Retirees Returning to Work Act,” or House Bill 73, went into effect in May. It allows educators to return to work for a maximum of 36 months and keep their pension, sponsors of the bipartisan bill have said.
They added it was intended as a temporary provision aimed at encouraging educators to return to work, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which fueled New Mexico’s educator workforce shortage. In 2021, the total number of educator vacancies was 1,727, up from 1,054 in 2019. New Mexico has since made gains in that arena. An October New Mexico State University Southwest Outreach Academic Research Evaluation and Policy Center report found the state had 690 teacher vacancies, with 1,344 educator vacancies overall.”
Shortages of teachers is not just an APS issue nor unique to Alamogordo school leadership, but an ongoing issue within the state. The leadership of APS has collaborated to implement various strategies to fill the voids.
The Supporting Teachers and Families (STAF) state initiated initiative allowed state workers and members of the New Mexico National Guard to serve as substitute teachers to mitigate the teacher shortage, Alamogordo Public Schools asked for 30 substitutes.
Three National Guardsmen began substituting in Alamogordo schools as of Feb. 7.
Alamogordo Public Schools raised teacher pay by at least 7% for the 2022-2023 school year and implemented a more emboldened teacher mentorship program, helping to stave the nationwide shortage of qualified teachers to fill thousands of vacant positions in school districts.
Alamogordo Public Schools acknowledged that increasing salaries resulted in a greater capacity to retain teachers and recruiting others, many of whom have alternative licensure, to the Alamogordo Public Schools to teach with assistance from the district's teacher mentorship program.
Alternative licensure allows a person with a bachelor's, master’s, law or doctoral degree and who has an interest in teaching to apply for teaching credentials without requiring a background in educational studies.
Teaching is an honorable and rewarding profession to those that have been through it . The pressures on teachers are greater at this time, then anytime in history; with evolving curriculum and technology, the impact on social media and parental relationships and administrative pressures along with national concerns about school safety and student security. Recruitment of new teachers and administrators is more difficult each year as is retention of qualified teachers.
The Alamogordo Public School system is working diligently to address retention concerns, recruitment opportunities and workforce safety to ensure a quality education for Alamogordo students.
Retirement of the teachers, as honored in the beginning of this article is a normal occurrence and an annual factor or a part of the business of education. and Krazy 95.1 FM honors those retiring individuals showcased above.
Additionally, we encourage young adults, about to enter the workforce, to consider a career as a teacher with the rewards of being a positive influence and role model.
The influence of a great teacher can impact and individual their entire life. There are few careers as important, meaningful and impactful as that of a teacher. Salute!