
A collaboration of local artists, organizations, government and businesses is underway and Alamogordo stands to reap the benefits!
In November 2022 our city was selected to be part of the New Mexico MainStreets’ JumpStart Program which is a path to State Authorization as an Arts and Culture District (ACD). These districts promote arts and history and are made up of local MainStreet programs, government, and art councils. They exist in 12 communities across New Mexico and focus on enhancing the Creative or Cultural Economy - positioning arts and culture as the center of economic revitalization and community economic development efforts.
According to Alamogordo MainStreet Executive Director Nolan Ojeda, “The establishment of a state authorized Arts and Cultural District in downtown Alamogordo is a major milestone for our community. It will not only support local artists and cultural organizations, but also enhance the overall vibrancy and vitality of our downtown….We believe that the Arts and Cultural District designation will help attract more visitors and investment to our downtown, creating new economic opportunities for our local businesses and entrepreneurs."
The benefits of State Authorization as an ACD are many. These include state branding and marketing, a doubling of state historic tax credits for eligible properties, technical assistance from NM Arts, Historic Preservation and Tourism, and opportunities for grants and funding. Resources, planning and growth opportunities come together in a coordinated strategy to achieve long-term sustained growth, local return on investment, job creation, and an increase in the local tax base.
In addition to Alamogordo MainStreet’s organizational sessions, 5 community meetings have happened so far. Michelle Negrette, who has 20 years of experience in creative economic development, is the state facilitator. This process has resulted in the development of a shared vision of what a creative economy means, an identification of key stakeholders, and mapping of arts and cultural assets. Further work is being accomplished in capacity-building, identifying issues and opportunities, partnership development, and turning assets into projects.
A testing ground has been defined for some innovative program plans to explore idea feasibility and community interest. This will all be more visible as it emerges in late summer/early fall - aiming for milder weather and to be respectful of the many summer traditions of events that Alamogordo offers.
Be watching for events at The Lot!
Alamogordo MainStreet Board President Claudia Loya says, “The creation of the Arts and Cultural District is just the beginning of a larger effort to revitalize and transform our downtown into a thriving cultural hub that reflects the diversity and richness of our community…Through this initiative, we aim to celebrate and preserve Alamogordo's unique cultural heritage, while also fostering creativity and innovation among our residents and visitors alike."
Communities across New Mexico have vibrant, creative communities and have become arts destinations with active ACDs. It is time for Alamogordo to join the fun through effective collaboration!
If you are interested in joining efforts to grow a creative economy contact Alamogordo MainStreet at 575-446-3612.