Monica Davalos v Brianna Martinez two strong Latina Women vie for Leadership


The Democratic Central Committee Election Process moves to its final stages this weekend to elect a new chairperson and members of the executive committee of Otero County.

The Campaign for chair has come down to two candidates; Brianna Martinez, and Monica Davalos.

Each candidate is campaigning hard for the position and each with a different style.

Brianna Martinez

Ms. Martinez has campaigned with an active social media presence on Facebook and via a few neighborhood house events with multiple posts of support from establishment insiders within the party.

Ms Martinez, at age 21 would become the youngest leader of a party in Otero County, a historic first and as a female Latina has advantages to recruit new members in the fast growing Latin communities. Though young, she and her supporters,are campaigning on her experience having been treasurer for the Warren Robinson campaign, support for abortion rights, registering voters, meeting the governor and campaigning for Congressman Vasquez. An impressive portfolio for a young woman.

She is endorsed by the existing party chair Jeff Swanson and his wife Donna Swanson among others. She and her supporters are emphasizing “Otero county experience” as the establishment candidate who has worked within the existing structure and rose to the occasion.

She just released a video on her Facebook page and via TicTok that highlights her experience and why she is the candidate of choice for those that have worked beside her…

Brianna Martinez Video

Monica Davalos

Monica Davalos is the other candidate seeking the position of chairperson of the Democratic Party of Otero County.

She has also campaigned hard on social media as well as vis YouTube, with radio interviews, on Facebook and developed a website with much detail and endorsements.

She is also a Latina woman of strong presence, but relatively new to activism in the internal structure of the Otero County Democratic Party machine. She has been active in the party for many years and offers experience from beyond Otero County with an impressive level of experience and insight. As such she is considered the “anti-establishment candidate” campaigning to bring transparency and enlarge the circle of party participants.

She is not endorsed by the established leadership within the existing central committee, however she is strongly endorsed by former party Chairwoman Nadia Sikes and former candidate for Magistrate Claudia Powell among others.

Ms Davalos has campaigned hard as the outsider, hosting in person events in the outlying communities of Otero County, and with a very aggressive campaign of videos and interviews showing up on her campaign website…

Monica Davalos Website

In addition she has launch a YouTube page of videos to allow the public to meet her and get a better understanding of her experience, vision and support for the party values directly from her and her own mouth verses that of others…

Davalos You Tube Page

Ms. Davalos also brings a unique perspective to the position also as a Latina woman but also with tribal connections to the Native American community. She lives in Tularosa so she represents that she is in tune to constituent needs beyond Alamogordo. She has over 2 decades of experience in Democratic activism but is not an establishment candidate.

Each candidate is a distinct change and a unique different voice and presence to the present party leadership.

Both candidates are campaigning on expanding the base, bringing in moré Latino/Latina and expanded minority voters, expanding LBGTQ visibility and concentrating on long term plans to develop candidates.

The decision for the new party leadership comes down to a decision of direction and leadership style.

What is the choice?

Both candidates have integrity, experience and passion. The decision comes down to the question of which leader can effectively drive the Democratic Party of Otero Country to relevance?

At present 61% of the voters that show up at the polls are Republican. There is only one position of all in Otero County not in Republican hands and that is the very effective leader Sharon McDonald on Alamogordo’s City Commission.

The choice is, Brianna Martinez that has the endorsement of the established present leadership or Monica Davalos that is an experienced outsider to the existing power structure.

Both are experienced, passionate and committed.

Both candidates were invited to a public forum to be hosted by and Ms. Davalos accepted, Ms. Martinez declined sighting a safety concern.

The campaign has been very cordial between the two candidates but supporters of each candidate have proven aggressive and at times has been negative.

Stones have been thrown by supporters on both sides, calling those supporting Ms Davalos as a “coup attempt” on the other side extremist have called Ms Martinez “a puppet” for Jeff Swanson.

Both candidates, however, have run positive campaigns directly touting the respect for one another, as passionate Latina women.

The process for decision will begin on March 25th. The DPOC leadership posted this outline to the process. March 25th at 10am will be a zoom meeting where each candidate will present a 6 minute speech as to why they should be the leader.

The election will be online via March 28th thru March 31st. Votes will be tallied on April 2 and an announcement will follow.

The Democratic Party of Otero county just implemented a ward system so the process is gaining attention and is newsworthy as it is a complete process change for this county which has already occurred in several New Mexico counties already.

The Republican Party elected new leadership this year as Amy Barela was elected to County Commissioner.

The Democratic Party leadership change will make upcoming elections of school board members, bond issues and more interesting.

The changes within both parties will be the first, to test new party leadership, and effectiveness of both party leaders.

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