
Alamogordo is in for a treat! Multiple efforts are underway to launch our future as a creative community.
What does this mean?
NeighborWorks America describes this best when they say “art, culture and creative expression are key components of comprehensive community development. Art, culture and creativity can connect people across differences, amplify residents' voices, generate imaginative problem solving, animate public and private spaces, rejuvenate structures and streetscapes, honor history, improve business viability, and boost jobs and income.”
If we see that a key strategy for community development is the vision of making Alamogordo a place of opportunity and a positive experience we can all join in pride about our city. This creates a momentum for growth, hopefulness and resiliency. We are going to be seeing new partnerships, more collaborative efforts and more opportunities as businesses, schools, government, and the arts community join the effort.
There will be a place for everyone . This may involve help with planning events or attending. A sure sign of this capacity-building will be visible in innovative programs. It is important that we all be willing to suspend negative-thinking about our past or perceived limitations and give this development a chance. Even if, for you, this is a huge reach there is always the saying “fake it ‘til you make it.” When we get negativity stuck in our heads and hearts we dampen enthusiasm.
In order to attract new businesses, new residents, and new collaborations we need to think positively and promote ourselves positively.
I had the opportunity last evening to attend the downtown MainStreet public chat meeting…the planning was extraordinary, collaborative and “spot-on” positive. This is but one example of what is happening. I will share my impressions of other efforts I participate in or am aware of moving forward. In the meanwhile, enjoy your spring, plant your gardens and get ready for lots of chances to join the creativity!