
Now that we all have sprung forward with the time change(or in my case stumbled forth) it is time to acknowledge that Spring Equinox is almost here.
Despite our weekend weather, come 3/20/23 at 3:24 PM (our time) the length of daylight will be equal to darkness and Spring will be official. This happens as the direct rays of the sun cross the equator moving north.
Vernal (or Spring)equinox is supposed to be about the new and the fresh.
Are you feeling new and fresh after winter hibernation, hungry for growth?
This was a powerful seasonal day in many ancient cultures and it is still celebrated in many places around the world. Some rituals involve noticing signs of spring, egg hunts, planting seeds, getting up at dawn to see the sunrise, opening windows,or my favorite, Ostara meals.
Our tradition was to make an egg-centered meal (think frittata) and collectively plan for the spring. It involved taking turns answering the question “What would you like to see blossom and grow in your life?”
Even as the Farmer’s Almanac predicts a shivery spring, my answer would be “I want warmth for my aging bones and for contentment and grace to grow in my life”
Wishing you and yours a happy equinox, quiche and a clear sense of how you want your life to grow! If this is not your kind of thing there is always spring cleaning or baseball’s spring training. In any case, enjoy!