
I would answer- " everyone."
Each of us comes to this life with a spark of potential, the pull of curiosity, the senses of awareness, and the capacity for growth. We are intrigued by light, color, rhythm, pattern, sound, and all that we touch, taste, and smell. We know motion, experimentation, and imagination. We seek pleasure and satisfaction. These are the tools of an artist!
Children play as a way of exploring possibilities, creating stories, and “working things out”. Adults carry this forward.
We develop and use tools, express ourselves, and carve our definitions of self-esteem and accomplishment. Some folks will become beacons of expertise and example in their chosen field.
Some express their art in “making”- envisioning, planning, and bringing design to life (think architects, engineers, builders, crafters.)
Some are growers - steeped in the experience of growing cycles, the power of nature, and the desire to create environments that nurture growth - planners and masters of garden design - providers.
Some are healers - deeply aware of human functioning and the subtleties of imbalance, open to diagnostic and treatment designs through assessment and hope. Scientists are seeking to figure things out …to find out the inner workings.
The art of parenting/educating is about expectation…holding, loving, setting an example, teaching, and widening the world. How creative is this?!!
Those with faith …the knowledge of fragility and belief in the divine…creation and the infinite.
The connectors —tradespeople, businessmen, and women …those bringing goods and services to communities for economies to grow- moving the basics of survival to the potential for thriving.
These can all be art forms. Some creatives are nurtured specifically in the development of their creative skills and become experts in fine art, music, performance, and the literary arts.
For most of us though, art is how we live our lives. We can be intentional about this expression and recognize that the same qualities that guide an art master are ours to develop. These are curiosity, courage, experimentation, discipline, persistence, and freedom to express.
Next time you pause for a sunset, watch your child at play, accomplish something with pleasure, worship - know you are in artist land. This includes singing in the shower, dancing, and snapping a photo.! I would even make a case that savoring a cup of coffee is artful! (The sacred pause!) It comes by noticing….making room for reflection, expression, and enjoyment.
I would love to see everyone recognize the artfulness in their lives. It would give us ways to feel less stuck or restricted. We would find deep connections with others by seeing their challenges and creative answers. It is about moment-to-moment living with an eye for beauty and effort.
Communities that honor the arts are giving their residents a way to be compassionate and express themselves. It is about appreciation. We have a wealth of creative efforts in our town and we are seeing a resurgence of the arts that are happening for all to enjoy. Please consider being a part of all this by growing the creativity within you. YOU are an artist.
Alamogordo Proud!
Kathy Ramsey I could not agree with you more! In my reply to a facebook post, I gave some of the same instances you did. If you have every had to persuade a 3 year old to do something they do not want to do, you are an artist! Cooking healthy and nutritious food for your family is also an artistic (and never ending) endeavor!
My tag line on my business card is "Honoring the Artist in Everyone!"