
The Alamogordo High School Welding Team was the highest ranking team of novices to compete at the Sun City Building Weld Off. Alamogordo led and also led in breaking barriers as it was the only team of the 22 competitors to be represented with female welders.
On February 24th three students from the Alamogordo High School Welding Club competed in the Sun City Building Weld Off, part of the Team High School Welding Series. El Paso and New Mexico high school welding teams competed in a build-off for its second year at Sun City Welding Academy.
Three students from Alamogordo High School, Allison Kuhn, Senior, Katherine Carter, junior, and Joshua Jobe Jr, sophomore, placed 4th out of 22 teams.
The team competed under the direction of their coach and instructor Mr. Wyatt Moon. Mr. Moon is the welding instructor at Alamogordo High School.
Before competing each student was required to earn certificates as “certified welders.”
The task at the competition was to build an American style flag out of metal.
The Alamogordo High School Team was the highest ranking team of novices to compete.
Alamogordo was the only team of the 22 competitors to be represented with female welders. Allison Kuhn was awarded outstanding team leader and awarded a scholarship to the Sun City Welding Academy. Katherine Carter and Joshua Jobe Jr. also received awards.
Northern Tool and TXHSWS hosts were in charge of the event. This year, 19 teams from El Paso and 3 from Eastern New Mexico competed for scholarships and prizes.
“There is a major shortage of welders and skilled persons in the welding trade”, claimed Sun City Welding Director, Scott Herndon. “The Texas High School Welding Series and our welding academy is cultivating the next generation of welders and growing this competition in our area is key to maintaining our industry at the forefront when it comes to high school students choosing a career path,” said Herndon.
The series gives high school students hands-on experience to sharpen their skills while competing in four different welding levels and one major build off.
Prior to the build-off students at all competing high schools held their own “Welding Certification Day” at their respective high school. Certified welding inspectors sponsored by Sun City Welding Academy went out to each high school to test students’ skills and certify them with TXHSWS certifications.
“Competitions like the TXHSWS Build Off competition helps students practice what it’s like in the real world and to work in teams with build plans and tests before each job”
Congratulations Allison Kuhn, Senior, Katherine Carter, junior, and Joshua Jobe Jr, sophomore for a great job you truly represented with Tiger pride and represented your city as “Alamogordo Proud.”