Official Call is hereby made for the Biennial Convention of the Republican Party of Otero County


If any member of the public that is a registered Republican wants to participate by law if registered Republican you may. Thus the Official Call is hereby made for the Biennial Convention of the Republican Party of Otero County to be on January 12th 2023 at 5:30pm at Republican Party Headquarters, 2930 North White Sands Blvd, Alamogordo NM 88310 to conduct the following:

1. Confirm Special Rules for Convention

2. Confirm Temporary Officers of Convention

3. Any other business

Adjourn the County Central Committee Meeting

1. Elect a new County Central Committee

2. Elect a new contingent of members to the state central committee

3. Elect County Officers

4. any other proper business

Registration begins at 4:30pm and meeting will begin promptly at 5:30pm; there will be NO ADMITTANCE to the convention after 5:30pm. This convention is open to ALL registered Republicans of Otero County, registration status will be checked at the door; attendance of NON-REPUBLICANS is strictly prohibited

Fees associated with this convention are as follows:

Use the following link to make payments:

$25 per person (meal included)

$10 per self nomination form (non refundable)

$5 for proxy voting (non refundable)

Dinner will be catered by Fatwood BBQ.

Please RSVP attendance to Self Nomination forms can be requested via email, downloaded from or pickup in person from RPOC Secretary Amy Barela at 7066 Highway 54 North, Alamogordo NM, 88310

All self nomination forms and payments must be recieved NO LATER THAN 9 January 2023 at 5pm to be considered for election, nominations can be delivered by the following methods:

Mail To:


PO Box 182

Alamogordo NM 88310

Hand Delivered To;

RPOC Secretary, Amy Barela

7066 Highway 54 North

Alamogordo NM 88310

RPOC Chairman, Joshua Beasley

by appt: 575-277-1141 or

2930 North White Sands Blvd

Alamogordo NM 88310

Jan 9th 2023 Hours: 3-5pm 

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