
Our query last week to the City for information was responded to, and yesterday, we ran a story accordingly based on the information from the city provided to us….
A late afternoon development occurred this afternoon, in the continuing saga of the proposed Resolution to Protect the unborn ,which has NO power of law in Alamogordo.
The resolution, with no power of law and defended through true hostility by appointed commissioner, Karl Melton, and his domestic partner, Candidate, John Block via a slam campaign against a young woman battling cancer; the mayor, myself and others continues to offer twists and turns.
Late this afternoon we received an email from the city clerk saying…
“in the emails that were pulled for me, regarding “any correspondence from any member of the public requesting Mr. Melton to place the “Sanctuary for the Unborn” resolution on the agenda? the attached email was not among the emails pulled. I have attached the email.”
See below…
Mr. Melton texted me this evening via instant messenger to ensure I received the email and questioned rather we had journalistic integrity to report it.
Unlike his partner, John Blocks propaganda engine, which to date has not retracted the lies about the mayor; we do have integrity, thus we are reporting we have this NEW updated information and are sharing it accordingly.
We asked Mr. Melton if there were any other correspondence and if this correspondence was from a constituent in his district?
Fact she is not in his district thus cannot vote for him, thus not a direct constituent. She is a resident of Commission District 6 and NOT of his district 3.
His response:
“She is an Alamogordo resident. I am not sure what district she is. I have never met her before she emailed me. Regardless she is not alone. I also received 91 other emails urging me to support the resolution once the special session was announced. Not to mention the countless face-to-face conversations I've had with constituents about this.”
Mrs. Caraway is a business professional and a Christian but is not represented by Mr Melton. Her correspondence provided to us today, is as follows…
The font text of the email and the signature is inconsistent, however there is now a record of an out of District email received.
The fact the email, suddenly appeared after the story broke on the duplicity of this duo serving in office is entertaining.
The email was suddenly found and suddenly emailed to us and Mr. Melton wanted to ensure we received it.
Melton via text: ”I assume you got the updated information from Rachel today? O”
In asking why it suddenly appeared his response: “The email did not originally come up when the City's IT contractors did a search. That's it. Mistakes happen. Not everything is a giant conspiracy. All your other questions are irrelevant to the subject of the conversation and frankly are overly personal. It's no business of yours. I'm just wondering if you will own up to your own ambitions of nonbiased, objective reporting, or if you are going to let your feud with John impact how honest your articles are.”
We will trust it was just an “mistake by the IT Department” and we have no reason to feud. We just want an understanding of events that are transpiring via our elected representatives.
So Mr Melton did NOT lie so to speak, he parsed words and received one email from a resident that cannot vote for him, and the the Melton/Block duo went on the offense.
Does one email from out of one’s District truly demand a response of such magnitude? I only hope when we make a request to Mr Melton he and his partner are equally ambitious in resolving our concern for action by the city.
Notice no correspondence of a response to the citizen was provided to us?
However Mr. Melton did respond by seeking a way to revoke the business licenses of any business in the city that may conduct abortions. That is illegal verses state law but he did ask staff to review options…
Interesting wording in his request “to NOT issue or renew a business license to any establishment that performs an abortion.”
The hospital is a business, that operates with a business license. A doctor may be a resident licensed doctor with a business license of Alamogordo but have to perform an emergency abortion in Las Cruces or at the local hospital, based on what Melton set forth, his business license to have a practice in Alamogordo would be revoked. A doctors office or a hospital is an establishment with a business license.
If Mr Melton were allowed to move forward with an ordinance and by state law he cannot, he would have proposed an ordinance, that would close down the hospital, if a life saving abortion were to transpire protecting the woman
Regardless of the semantics, Mr Melton wants to justify himself based on one email from outside his district. We stand corrected, there was one email.
The term constituency is commonly used to refer to an electoral district and only those who voted for a certain candidate within their district.
The terms (election) precinct and election district are more common in American English. Mr. Melton represents the constituents of District 3. The mayor represents the constituents of ALL of the city of Alamogordo.
We stand by the assertion this was not an issue that should have been brought before the city.
We stand by the assertion that the Block/Melton duo drove this debate and issue not by the overwhelming demand of majority of their constituents but based upon a personal agenda and apparently one out of district email.
Mr Melton alluded to me that he perceives us in a feud with his sleeping partner, Mr. Block. That is not the case. We are seeking to understand why the duo moved here and why this issue was so important to create such a fight, now as the duos first act at legislation locally.
We asked the question ,how much money he or Mr. Block were receiving from pro-life interests? He ducked the question. NO Response to the money questions.
Melton in his dialog with us suggested” I was really hoping after you posted your "tips for civil discourse" that this would turn out differently. I'm sorry you feel the need to withhold information because of how John writes his articles.”
His dialog is a suggestion we would not share the new information provided by the city clerk to us today.
We are indeed sharing that information and the reader can and will make their own conclusions.
And yes, we still hope that the duo of Melton/Block, mature as elected officials that they would retract the lies about the mayor, offer apologies to the individuals that differ from them but are active in the political process, and learn from this saga.
We hope they will follow the 10 tips for civil discourse and grow into their positions, as professionals, not ego driven advisories to compromise.
We need elected representatives to represent and to succeed not to divide but to drive collaboration not Division.
Can Melton/Block grow into professionals? Can Melton/Block practice civil discourse?