63° and Sunny
Today: Sunny, with a high of 66 and low of 40 degrees. Sunny for the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,
Holloman AFB, NM Weather for the Next 7 Days
Clear during the morning, cloudy for the afternoon, clear overnight.
Sunny in the morning, clear for the afternoon and evening,
Sunny in the morning, clear for the afternoon and evening,
Sunny during the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,
Sunny during the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,
Sunny during the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,
Holloman AFB, NM weather at a glance
Q: What is the weather in Holloman AFB?
A: Current conditions in Holloman AFB NM: 63° and Sunny
Q: Is it raining in Holloman AFB?
A: No. Current conditions in Holloman AFB NM: 63° and Sunny
Q: What is the temperature in Holloman AFB?
A: The temperature in Holloman AFB NM is 63 degrees.
Q: What time is sunset in Holloman AFB?
A: The sun will set in Holloman AFB NM at 05:03 PM
Q: What is the weather tomorrow in Holloman AFB?
A: The weather tomorrow in Holloman AFB NM: Cloudy , with a high of 59 and low of 40 degrees. Clear during the morning, cloudy for the afternoon, clear overnight.