
Tough Decisions Alamogordo City Leadership Infrastructure and Cleanup

It’s been said that great leaders make tough decisions even when they are not popular. 

The Alamogordo City commission of today is a commission that is making hard and difficult decisions to ensure the infrastructure of Alamogordo and city owned enterprises are maintained and managed for the long term. The city of Alamogordo’s day to day operations are led by a new City Manager Rich Holden and his assistant city manager, Stephanie Hernandez. 

The city commission and past managers, and the county commission for decades has kicked the ball down the road when it comes to infrastructure improvements and development of plans to ensure the longevity and sustainability of existing systems, from decaying sewer lines to the water system. 

The leadership of the country has neglected many aspects of the county from zoning enforcement of blight, to public safety standards, from proper staffing to ensure proper restaurant health inspections to services for the poor and homeless the county has ignored issues and neglected residents needs as has the city. 

The city under the new city manager and with a set of city newer commissioners that actually work, get out and talk with the people are now tackling the hard issues that have festered from years of neglect. From a water system that needs $160 Million in improvements, to an airport that is a shambles but needs updating, to roads crumbling and traffic issues that need to be addressed the city leadership is now playing catch up - sadly that catchup means rate increases across many areas of life that impact local citizens. 

The most alarming recent issue that citizens are feeling from July is water system rate increases. Citizens are enveloped in sticker shock as new water bills are being sent out. The rate increase was huge and it is a difficult pill to swallow, however we cannot afford to have the system collapse and the $160 Million in upkeep and upgrades that need to happen must or the bill will inch upwards even more. 

Similar to airport rates being reviewed, the rate increases need to be reasonable and funds then need to be honestly used to actually clean up and upgrade the airport so it is usable for small commercial flights. 

There is much work to be done due to decades of neglect. We call on the county to follow the city of Alamogordo’s lead and begin tackling issues in the unincorporated areas of the county from roads to blight. 

To the Alamogordo city commissioners such as newcomers Nick Paul, Warren Robinson, Mark Tapley thanks for joining Sharon McDonald in leadership to ask tough questions, listen and engage constituents and actually work for your community.

All 4 of these commissioners will be visible and working on the ground with constituents this weekend for a city wide cleanup of which these 4 of the 7 members of the commission committed to working Saturday July 20, 2024. 

There will be dumpsters, staff and these 4 commissioners of the 7 will be on hand working on the ground to clean up Alamogordo…


Come out volunteer from 7 am to noon and meet 4 of the 7 commissioners that work hard and care for this Alamogordo community! 

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