
The Mayor of Alamogordo and the city attorney took the time this week to work with code enforcement and visit blighted properties. The purpose was a hands on view of these properties and a understanding of boots on the ground in handling the issue. The mayor on her webpage and the city attorney posted the comments below…
Mayor Susan Payne:
I spent Tuesday morning, on a “ride along” with these great people as they served administrative warrants on several dilapidated structures in our city. It was good for me to see this process in action and see just how many city personnel from various departments it takes to execute simmering like this. A huge THANK YOU to our police, fire and code personnel for for all you do, as well as personnel from public works, and administration. Looking forward to many more of these being done so we can continue to clean up these areas and provide a safe and clean community for all of our citizens to enjoy.“
Statement from city attorney:
”Today I had the pleasure of working with the Alamogordo Police Department, the Alamogordo Fire Department, Code Enforcement, City Admin and City of Alamogordo Mayor to serve administrative search warrants to assess the condition of allegedly blighted and dilapidated structures. These properties will be coming before commission in the next few meetings to ask that they be declared dilapidated and ordered to be abated.” appreciates the proactive stand in getting a view and understanding the processes around blight early in the new mayor’s administration and hopes that the city strengthens ordinances around enforcement and seizure of such properties when allowed in disrepair. Please also review the commercial properties that are blighting the main business corridors as well. As Business investment is much more difficult near blight.