Ruidoso High School Bomb Threat Resulted in Suspended Classes Tuesday


Ruidoso High School was forced to evacuate Tuesday morning due to what the superintendent described as “an unverified bomb threat. A letter was posted early morning and send to parents via Ruidoso Public Schools explaining the incident...

"We have received an unverified bomb threat today at Ruidoso High School and we are taking the situation very seriously,” the letter said. “As a precaution, all students, faculty, and staff were evacuated to the Ruidoso Convention Center while the premises were being searched by trained professionals.

“Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. We are committed to keeping our community safe,” the letter said.Students, faculty and staff evacuated to the Ruidoso Convention Center. Trained professionals then searched the premises. Parents were allowed to check out their students at the convention center.

Students were evacuated and classes weee canceled after bomb threat at Ruidoso High School Officials said the school was “cleared” as of 12:15 p.m. following a search by the Ruidoso Police Department but did not say whether a bomb was found. Classes were canceled for the rest of the day and will resume Wednesday morning, according to Ruidoso Municipal Schools.

A letter again went out from the system issuing an all clear...

The police would not immediately disclose any leads or suspects in the threat. The incident is being investigated. 

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