
As previously reported by and the the mayor of the village abruptly resigned during a special session last week. The trustees were in shock by the action and have convened a special session for Tuesday December 10th at 6 pm. The agenda for this special meeting is below…
Seemingly the issue to provoke the resignation of Mayor Turner was the resignation of the village clerk, Julie Pinson, and his feeling of inadequacy in persuading a majority of the village trustees to hire a financial assistant to further aid the village in catch up and cleanup of its books. The letter of resignation from the clerk, Pinson is below…
Details have emerged via investigations by the Cloudcroft Reader that show Mayor Turner’s frustration. In reporting by the Cloudcroft Reader only a few days before the December 5th Special Meeting, Turner told the Reader he “felt like a failure” in light of Pinson’s resignation. “The normal responsibility of the leader is to give his people the resources and tools to win. And if you don’t do that, you’re failing as a leader. I’m failing as a leader, I think.”
“I can’t give them the resources that they need. And you might say, well, it’s not your vote, it’s the trustees’ vote, but I must be doing something wrong to not convince them that we need help.”
For in-depth analysis of issues leading up to the resignation of Mayor Turner and then his resignation visit the links to the Cloudcroft Reader below…