The meeting began with public comment and a gentleman that had previously lived in Arizona explaining what led to success in the family fun center operation in that city. He expressed concern with the name and its history of bad reviews and made recommendations for new equipment if the city keeps the facility. There continues to be ongoing litigation around the fun center and the city is frozen on reopening it or selling it until the litigation issues with the past tenant is resolved.
The commission meeting then proceeded to the City Managers report by Rick Holden.
Mr. Holden began with an update on Bonito Lake and how the new holding ponds so far have protected the lake from fire debris. The lake is city owned and is a key holding area for the city water supply and also as a supply source for Holloman. The lake has been closed and not used for a decade due to reclamation from the last major fire.
Mr. Holden reported that the city removed the pavilion at the park near the school where truant kids used to hang out and has been an area of crime for the city. They are going to relocate the pavilion for use in another park.
Mr Holden then responded to comments from the commission. One commissioner expressed that they received significant flack over the water rate increase and yet no real action has been taken on road improvements. Holden said the water infrastructure improvements would take several years to facilitate and that a plan was in process and that road improvements are an ongoing priority.
There was a reminder of the City Wide Cleanup led by Sharon McDonald for July 20th from 7 am to noon. There will be dump site locations in all commissioner districts except for Rardin and Burnetts who opted not to participate themselves this year. Members of the public from those districts that want to dump trash, large items and need the use of shredding for documents are asked to take their items to be discarded to the Dudley School on Maryland and Mrs. McDonald and the city has made arrangements for dumpsters to accommodate her district as well as the district needs of those two areas not participating.
The commission recognized the Holloman Air Force Sergeants Association for their efforts in coordinating the 4th of July parade of which would not have occurred had they not stepped up.
The commission approved the consent calendar.
A motion was passed that increased the fees for printed IPRA materials to offset printing costs on large format printing of which originates in planning division documents often.
There was a discussion on bond and debt services and fees associated with debt service to the city bonds.
The meeting then addressed concerns with break ins and crime and a constituent addressed the commission on trailers being stolen and the perception of the police doing little to alleviate the issue. The police department responded that they are investigating and working on a plan to enhance the community watch program and bring back potentially up to 22 community watch captains within various neighborhoods. The crime issue is ongoing and the perception of many is that it is rising with little attention from city leadership.
The commission then went into closed session for an update on tort litigation after the update the commission then adjourned.
Individuals may watch the commission proceedings on tube via