
Thrive in Southern New Mexico is currently having their Ultimate Grill and Chill raffle!One lucky winner will receive a Traegar Pro Series Grill, a 65 inch TV, truck hitch tv stand, ice chest, canopy, folding chairs and a $100 gift certificate. Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100 dollars. Drawing will be on December 20 th . Tickets are sold at the Thriveoffice at 1601 10 th Street in Alamogordo or by calling 575-437-8400. Proceeds go to Thrive in Southern New Mexico’s nonprofit partner agency.
The Tularosa Basin Historic Society is needing all the help it can get with the Dudley School project. All ages of volunteers welcome!
Volunteers are needed and will be working on Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th, starting at 8:00 AM to noon. The task will be cleaning the interior, replacing windowpanes, cleaning the windows that are in good shape, installing drywall in some walls. And other minor items. So please come out and help, there will be something for all kinds of volunteers and skill sets.
KRAZY KALH Radio is one of many supporting groups championing this ambitious project! If you haven't been by lately, take a ride in the evening between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM by the Dudley School to see the Christmas lights that are installed and the progress to the building to date. Grand opening will be coming in 2024!
Holloman Cookie Drive
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 3 and 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 4
Where: Alamogordo Center of Commerce at 1301 North White Sands Boulevard
The Holloman Airmen Cookie Drive is organized by the Holloman Spouses Organization. The organization has a goal to collect 949 dozen cookies for airmen that live in the dorms on base.
The cookie drive shows support from the community during the holiday season when many airmen are unable to visit family. Last year the organization collected 1,380 dozen cookies.
Anyone with base access can also donate the cookies at the Holloman Community Activity Center. Before dropping off the cookies, residents are asked to bag three cookies per bag. For questions about the drive, please email
The Salvation Army in Alamogordo is looking for Bell Ringers this holiday season - if you or your organization would like to volunteer for a 2 hour shift now through December 24th, call Mike at 575-443-0845. You can also call Mike for more info aboutthe Salvation Army in Alamogordo.
The City of Alamogordo presents the Christmas Tree Lighting at Washington Park on Friday December 8 th from 6 to 8 PM. This a free family event, come meet Santa, there will also be food and craft vendors, kid-friendly crafts, hot chocolate delights and more!For more info, call 575-439-4159.
Thrive in Southern New Mexico and Local Law Enforcement Agencies are partnering for the 2023 Shop with A Cop event on Saturday December 9 th 2023. They will be providing toys for children in need in Otero County. Pre-determined children from across the area will be selected to shop with a law enforcement officer at the Wal Mart Supercenter in Alamogordo. If you’d like to donate to the event, go the Thrive website or for more info,call 575-437-8400.
Registration is still open for the Ace of Races Marathon at Holloman Air Force Base on December 9 th 2023. The race is open for all levels of runners, a full marathon, half-marathon, 5K or 1 mile kids dash. There will be medals awarded and there will be foodand entertainment after the races.
The New Mexico Museum of Space History will be hosting Holiday on the Hill, a free event on Saturday December 16 th from 10 AM to 3 PM. Free admission to the event with a food donation – there will lots of free kid’s activities and a great event for the entirefamily. For more info, call 575-437-2840.
Go to this link for all the details:
White Sands National Park offers Sunset Strolls every Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 4 PM – learn about the unique resources that make White Sands special on a half mile hike along sandy dunes. For more info, visit the White Sands National ParkWebsite.
White Sands National Park offers monthly tours of Lake Lucero on the 3 rd Saturday of the month from 10 AM to 1 PM. Learn about the White Sands formed along with the special plants and animals that live in and around the dunes. Cost is $8 per person 16 and older, $4 for children. The next tour will be on Saturday December 16 th . For more info, visit the White Sands National Park website.
Keep Alamogordo Beautiful is looking for local youth groups who would like to make a difference in Alamogordo. The Keep Alamogordo Beautiful Youth Group Partnership will provide up to $300 per event for your group by participating in beautificationprojects around the city. For more info, go to or call 575-439-4250.
The Farmer’s and Craft Market of Otero County takes place every Saturday morning at Tractor Supply at 2900 North White Sands Boulevard. The market goes from 9 AM to 11 AM. For over 50 years, this is the areas oldest year round market that brings you fresh produce from around the area. For more info, visit the Farmer’s Market of Otero County Facebook page or call 575-430-2081.
The Alamogordo Public Library Story Time is on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s starting at 10:30 AM. Join them as they work on pre-reading skills and have some fun with stories and a craft. They will do the same thing each week on both days, so pick the day thatworks best for you. This event is free and no registration required. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.
The Alamogordo Public Library hosts Teen Café the 3 rd Wednesday month from 3 to 4PM. There will be activities, crafts and snacks. For people in grades 9 through 12. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.
The Alamogordo Public Library hosts Middle School Meet-up on the 4 th Wednesday of the month from 3 to 4 PM. There will be activities, crafts and snacks. For people in grades 6 through 8. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.
The Alamogordo Public Library has Builder’s Club on a designated Saturday each month from 1 to 3 PM. Next event is September 9 th . They supply the Lego and Duplos or other materials, you supply the imagination. Build whatever you like, and if it’s cool (and fits),we will put it in the display case for others to admire over the next month. For more info, call 575-439-4140.
The Alamogordo Public Library offers one-on-one computer assistance on Tuesday and Thursdays from 3 to 4 PM and on Wednesdays from 11 AM to Noon. The reference staff will help with basic computer skills such as setting up and accessing email, navigating websites, completing online forms, accessing ebooks and audio books and more – call 575-439-4148.
The Special Olympics program in Otero County is in need of motivated and enthusiastic people that want to make a difference in our community. Coaches and volunteers are needed. Athletes are needed for various athletic teams as well. For more info, you cancall Mario Estrada at 575-430-8381.
The Alameda Park Zoo is looking for volunteers. Help the zoo educate people about the animals, learn why zoos are important and understand why zoos are vital to wildlife conservation while having fun! If you are at least 16 years old, you can fill out an application on the Zoo website or call 575-439-4290 for more information.
The Alamogordo Senior Center is looking for volunteers for their Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs. Foster grandparents will provide service to youth and students in local schools. Senior Companions will help frail, disabled, or terminally illhomebound senior citizens. You must 55 or older to volunteer, for more info, contact Ryan at 575-439-4150.
The Civil Air Patrol meets every Tuesday from 6 to 8 PM at White Sands Regional Airport. You can learn about Search & Rescue, Aerospace Education and Youth Development through their Cadet program. These meetings are for adults and children aged 12 to 17. If you have questions, text Benjamin at 262-716-8759, you can also visit go