Perspectives - a regular weekend column


Dear Lily,

What makes people become more and more materialistic as they get older? What makes them think that money can make their life better than what it already is now?

Well, my experience is actually the opposite - I find I have become less materialistic, and I think this is likely very common.

As we get older, our families, relationships, health, happiness, personal goals, personal growth… all take center stage. We become more aware that we have fewer and fewer years to do what is meaningful for us, and to make our mark on the world in a way that has lasting legacy. My husband and I are not considered wealthy, but our goal isn’t about having more ‘stuff’. It’s about having the financial security to pursue our passions - music and art and service. You can’t share from an empty vessel!

Over the past few years I have witnessed so many friends and acquaintances make their transition and it’s difficult to not start thinking in terms of, “My end time is coming too. What is important to me, and what do I really want to get done?” This inquiry has helped direct my focus, and by example, I have just finished writing a book I’ve had on the back burner for decades.

I also have set up my own small private art gallery in our rental accommodation. I sell my work which is nice, but much more fulfilling than that is the feedback I get from our guests: our place is balm for the soul, a place to recharge, filled with art and books and interesting things. Our guests spend a few nights in the middle of a forest, in a cool geodesic dome filled with surprises, and they get a reprieve from the stresses of day to day living. Then they go back to their lives with renewed spirit and energy, which in turn they share with everyone in their world.

Imagine tossing a handful of pebbles into a still pond and seeing each pebble create an expanding ring, which connects with all the other expanding rings, until the whole surface of the pond has been touched by the movement. I try to make sure I’m a happy pebble and what I am spreading is joy and peace. This occupation has taken over my life far more than my desire to have more stuff.


Liliane Pilot

Got a question that needs a new pair of eyes?

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Lillian Piliot is a regular contributor to and can be heard each Saturday on Krazy 95.1 FM streaming at She is the co-owner of the Domes Nature Retreat

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