
Alamogordo MainStreet is off to an exciting new year with the recent election of new board officers and a focus on moving the agency forward with several initiatives in the new fiscal year that began July 1, 2022.
The new board officers include Claudia Loya as President, Aileen Carroll as Vice President, Melissa Wilde as Secretary, and Amanda Jewell as Treasurer.
The Alamogordo MainStreet board under the new leadership team, and in collaboration with Executive Director Nolan Ojeda, is off to the races in doing projects to shore up the opportunities to apply for grants and funding for the district and to continue to build brand awareness of the district.
Recent priorities include working on updating bylaws and procedures to ensure relevancy to an evolving agency, working closely with the city of Alamogordo in hosting community updates and monthly merchant forums.
Visibility of efforts of Alamogordo Main Streets' commitment to the community can be seen by the new Railroad Park being created at the corner of White Sands and 10th Street adjacent to the Alameda Zoo property. The leadership of Alamogordo MainStreet had secured a $20,000 grant from the Union Pacific Railroad for a park to showcase the iconic water tower at the end of 10th Street. Alamogordo MainStreet has released those funds and working in collaboration with the Tularosa Basin Museum and the City of Alamogordo construction of the park has begun with the Tularosa Basin Museum leading the engineering, design and completion. This teamwork between the city, Alamogordo MainStreet and the Tularosa Basin Museum showcases a visible output of these group collaborating and working in harmony to respect the history and commerce of the Alamogordo MainStreet district.
Each new officer to Alamogordo MainStreet brings a wealth of experience and perspective to carry the agency forward...
Claudia Loya, newly elected President, is a longtime resident of Alamogordo, former Vice President, and founding member of Alamogordo MainStreet, has been involved in promoting and developing Downtown since 2014. Claudia owns and operates Elite Memories Boutique, Alamogordo's premier formal wear and tuxedo rental shop, located on New York Avenue. A vibrant member of the AMS Board, Claudia has never met a stranger - she develops relationships everywhere she goes. Claudia has headed the organization of the Christmas on MainStreet event, for several years, as well as represented Alamogordo MainStreet through social media, in community meetings, and through monthly Public Chats.
Aileen Carroll, newly elected Vice President, has lived in Alamogordo for just 4 years, but in that short time has gotten involved in community building whenever she can. She joined the Alamogordo MainStreet Board of Directors in 2019, after being introduced to the board through another community building initiative, the Alamogordo Branding Alliance. She currently works full time as Marketing and Brand Manager for French Brothers Homes. With a career in marketing and design, and a special focus on growth, Aileen has a proven track record of improving whatever project she gets her hands on.
Melissa Wilde is also a long-time resident of Alamogordo and served as the Treasurer for Alamogordo MainStreet from 2020-2022 when she first joined the AMS Board of Directors. Although she joined the Board in 2020, she had been a dedicated volunteer for many years, spearheading the organization of the annual Atomicon event since its inception. She currently works at Holloman AFB as Section Chief, Knowledge Management. Her innate sense of organization, along with her passion for Alamogordo's small business culture, make her the perfect Board member to take on the role of Secretary.
Amanda Jewell, newly elected treasurer, was raised in Alamogordo, lived all over the country during the 10 years her husband was in the army, and ultimately returned to her hometown. A published children's author, Amanda has played a role in many community programs in Alamogordo, including serving as PTC President for Desert Star Elementary, Chapter Founder for Team RWB-Alamogordo - the leading Health and Wellness Community for Veterans, and a longtime member of charitable group 100 Women Who Care. Her dedication to all the groups she serves, as well as her sense of community here in Alamogordo, make Amanda an excellent Board member and new addition to Alamogordo MainStreet.
Alamogordo MainStreet, working closely with the merchants of New York Avenue has relaunched the Downtown Nights - First Friday event where local merchants are open late, host food trucks and special events and have live music, bringing life back to this historic district.
Another recent success is the relaunch of the "Alamogordo Farmers Market Evening Edition" on the 900 block of New York Avenue Wednesdays' 6 pm to 8 pm. This event had not been hosted in the district for several years due to bureaucratic roadblocks, but under this new board, and in collaboration with the merchants of New York Avenue and city leadership, this event is growing and continuing each Wednesday evening in August, and through September as an additional evening Farmers Market and Crafts Fair.
Alamogordo MainStreet will be hosting two more events this year; the Rockabilly event October 8th from 4 pm to 10 pm and Christmas on MainStreet in December.
In addition to hosting these special events the board is focused on fundraising for new murals and facade improvements and has worked with the city of Alamogordo and the state for grants and the release of funds for street and sidewalk improvements which the city will put out to bid in the upcoming months.
Stay tuned to see more great successes from this group of committed leaders, together with the other board members focused on community partnerships, growth and prosperity of the city center, Alamogordo MainStreet.
To learn more about Alamogordo MainStreet visit: