Public Notices and Press Releases

Alamogordo High School Alumni that Love Alamogordo High School a Call to Action Email NMPED

Alamogordo High School Alumni Call to ACTION!

A small closed group of individuals led by a former school superintendent and individuals with NO Charter School experience are attempting to open one in Alamogordo that would pull up to $2.6 million in funding annually from Alamogordo High School has been proposed. A cut of $750,000 in funding in 2025 to $2.6 Million in funding from Alamogordo High School in 2029 budgets would negatively impact academic, athletic and other programs operated by Alamogordo High School as funds are diverted to the new proposed Charter with no elected representatives as oversight. Email your letters of concern telling the board to vote NO to this proposal for a Charter School in Alamogordo.

Email the letter of No Charter for Alamogordo to:

To learn more here are some news stories as background information:

copy of the peer review can be found at

To learn more on why opponents to the charter school “as proposed” believe this is not the best approach to education in Alamogordo visit:

Alamogordo Institutions Being Used for Partisan Political Gamesmanship to Dismantle Public Schools

Alma d’Arte’s Charter School Las Cruces Sparks Concerns: Implications for New Mexico's Charter System

Alamogordo School Board Member Craig Danekas Resigns from Charter School Board…

Creating a Charter School Where is the transparency?

The Lessons of Riverhead Central School District. Would an Alamogordo Charter School Result in AHS Layoffs?

Understanding the Steps to Open a Charter School

Notice of Intend to Open a Charter School Filed

Alamogordo’s Charter School Application Failing Score in a Peer Review…

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