
The Alamogordo Public Schools Board was sworn in this week and have been active in getting acclimated to their new role. As reported prior the board met in special session on 1-5-24 to a full house in the audience. The meeting went into closed door session. After the closed session the meeting went into public session with an order of no business to discuss and they voted to close the meeting. A non-event for those in attendance.
The Alamogordo Board President Angela Cadwallader issued a letter to the public dated 1-5-24 to reassure the public of her commitment and that of the board of a commitment to excellence and integrity.
She explained that during the closed door executive session they engaged in "thoughtful and thorough deliberations on limited personnel matters concerning the superintendent." Thus confirming our reporting that the meeting was a discussion around the superintendent. Her letter proceeded to explain that they remain committed to the Open Meetings Act and as such NO ACTION was taken in executive session. "All actions of the board will be made in open session after adequate notice to the public of what the board may be taking action on."
Mrs. Cadwallader then referenced multiple polices and issued a reminder of the boards commitment to transparency and accountability.
See below the full context of the letter...